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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Strata / US English / StudioPro / StudioPro™-PPC / Extensions / Advanced Anim. Extens. / Explode / Explode.rsrc

Jump To: Image (14)  |  Text (9)  |  Other (9)

Images (14)

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALRT.txt Text File 64 1KB 1994-06-14
DITL.txt Text File 50 1KB 1994-06-14
STR_-16397.txt Text File 3 187b 1994-06-14
STR#_15000.txt Text File 3 28b 1994-06-14
STR#_15001.txt Text File 7 70b 1994-06-14
STR#_15500.txt Text File 9 73b 1994-06-14
vers_1.txt Text File 8 244b 1994-06-14
vers_128.txt Text File 8 217b 1994-06-14
vers_2.txt Text File 8 221b 1994-06-14

Other Files (9)
ictb_15010 All Null Bytes 12b 1994-06-14
ictb_15014 All Null Bytes 16b 1994-06-14
data_256_Explode Modeler Data Unknown 329b 1994-06-14
DLGX_15010 Unknown 118b 1994-06-14
DLGX_15014 Unknown 130b 1994-06-14
view_15000 Unknown 656b 1994-06-14
Xdlg_256_Explode_ DialogView Unknown 4KB 1994-06-14
Xmdl_256_Special Effects\Explode... Unknown 39KB 1994-06-14
Xvue_256_Explode_ SliderView Unknown 4KB 1994-06-14